Question: I’ve tried refilling of toner cartridges before and they didn’t work, so what Has changed?
Answer: Back when refilling toner cartridges started, a lot of vendors were eager to make a fast buck. They saw an opportunity and used it. Unfortunately, with little or no technical ability they made a poor quality product that caused a lot of problem. Now as Re-manufactures we have done a lot of experiments and have developed new techniques for making these cartridges better, what does this mean for you? Simple, we as re-manufactures now have more ways to bring you better quality toner cartridges than in the past years.
Question: If my printer salesman said I shouldn’t use a re-manufactured product, Shouldn’t I listen to him?
Answer: Printer sales-men are just that, printer salesman. That’s what they are specialized in. Sometimes they have sideline-selling new toner cartridges. It’s long term, reliable business that he doesn’t have to do anything; of course, he’s going to tell you to buy them new!Printer repairmen are in a good position to see many cartridges from many companies, both re-manufactured and new. They can see what works, and what doesn’t; any repairman who is knowledgeable will tell you that even new cartridges can cause printer problems and headaches
Question: What do mean by a Refilled toner cartridge.
Answer: Refilled cartridges are basically cartridges, which are first dismantled, cleaned, and then fresh toner powder is refilled without replacing or changing any components. The cartridge is then tested for good print outs. The problem with these cartridges is that, there can be Mid-cycle failures as any of the 6 key components can conk off mid-cycle, wasting money & time for the user. The same is not true for a re-manufactured cartridge where key components are replaced eliminating mid-cycle failures.
Question: Will I get the same number of printed pages from re-manufactured toner cartridges as new cartridge?
Answer: We assure you will get at least the same number of printed pages from our Re-manufactured toner cartridge as you will get from a new toner cartridge. The quality and page yield will be similar or more as compared to original cartridge.
Question: Does the manufacturer recommend a re-manufactured cartridge?
Answer: No they don’t recommend it. There is more profit for these companies in a new cartridge, so they push them.
Question: How many times can you re-manufacture my cartridge?
Answer: There is no fixed answer. It depends on the cartridge, but the average is 5 times
Question: Once the light for the toner low comes on, how long do I have before I replace the cartridge?
Answer: We strongly recommend that you replace your cartridge immediately. Using your printer when the toner low is on is like driving your car with the oil light on. You could damage the drum. We recommend keeping two toner cartridges on hand at all times.
Question: What is a re-manufactured cartridge?
Answer: A re-manufactured cartridge is a cartridge that has been recycled and reprocessed from original cartridge. The recycling / reprocessing, encompass cleaning the cartridge, replacing key components, and refilling the toner. With continuous research and consistency, we are the successor in implementing a set standard in the production of remanufactured cartridges.
Every cartridge is first physically checked.
Cartridges are dismantled and cleaned in Hi-speed toner cartridges cleaning machine.
All the parts in the cartridges are checked for their duty cycle and the necessary parts are placed.
The cartridges are then filled with High yield toner powder, the same quality as an OEM toner cartridge and then reassembled.
Each cartridge produced then goes through rigorous quality processes and meticulous checks to maintain identical quality / page yields. The cartridges are tested on our printers in various formats.
The toner cartridge is then bar-coded with necessary details.
It is then sent for packing and further delivery.
So today, we proudly say that we can offer guarantee on each cartridge produced in terms of its quality & page yields compared with OEM cartridges.
Question: Will a re-manufactured cartridge spoil my printer?
Answer: We re-manufacture premium toner cartridges only, made from best of the Components available i.e. OPC Drum, Premium Toner powder, Blades, magroller, etc. We provide complete guarantee for your printers; if any damage is Caused to your printer while you are using only NVK cartridges, we will repair the Printer with all the parts free of cost or else if printer is not repairable the same would be replaced with same model or higher. We also do the servicing of all your printers every 60 days free of cost.
Question: Will I get the same number of printed pages from re-manufactured cartridges as new cartridge?
Answer: Back when refilling of toner cartridges started, a lot of vendors were eager to make a fastback. They saw an opportunity and used it. Unfortunately, with little or no technical ability they made a poor quality product & very bad page yields. Now as re-manufactures we have done a lot of experiments and have developed new techniques for making these cartridges better, what does this mean for you? i.e. Simple, Consistent performance, even better page yield then new cartridges.
Currently, Original Equipment Manufacturer (O.E.M.) toner cartridges are actually re-manufactured. Most “New” toner cartridges are re-manufactured toner cartridges. It is stated on most O.E.M. boxes “Made in Japan from the highest quality new and recycled materials” or “This cartridge may contain reconditioned parts and remolded material from cartridges returned in the Apple Clean Earth Campaign.”
The Original Equipment Manufacturer cannot avoid your equipment warranty for using re-manufactured cartridges. Purchase is your decision. You are not required by any machine manufacturer’s warranty to use only its brand.
If you buy re-manufactured cartridges from someone else, you might get poor service from your service technician. Of course the services technicians would like you to use the O.E.M. brand of re-manufactured cartridge they carry. Some technicians do make commissions from the sale of supplies. But, the choice is yours. A good service technician still wants your service business and should respect your choice of supplies.